Sunday, April 10, 2016

Russell Wilson is endorsing a weird new educational football bread

When it comes to thinking outside the box for endorsement purposes, it's hard to beat Russell Wilson. The Seahawks quarterback takes marketing to a different level.
But his latest endeavor, as a spokesman for "Eat the Ball" -- an educational bread! -- is just plain weird.
Via Eater comes the story of Wilson's attachment to the football- and globe-shaped bread, "the bread of a new generation."
Wilson touts not just the cool football-shaped bread that people can take to a tailgate but also the "education[al] purpose" of the globe-shaped bread.
"The thing that got me to eat the ball and really understand and gravitate towards the program is it's not just athletic balls for the kids or the people just in general to tailgate. it's also an education purpose. The eduction purpose of, there's an EarthBall, so it has all the seven continents. So imagine a kid goes up to a line and he's grabbing that piece of bread. Rather than just grabbing a normal piece of bread, he's grabbing something that can trigger his mind to think about the continents of the world, what city is where, where they want to go. Eat the Ball. It's changing the game for food for kids, for people all over the world. It's huge in Europe now and we want to bring it to America."
It's hard to fathom how football-shaped bread is "changing the game for food for kids" and "for people all over the world." It's bread shaped like a football.
You're getting smaller sandwiches, you've got to be getting way more carbs per bite than you would with normal bread and, again, just because someone can imagine a visit to Italy when they sample a ham and cheese sandwich doesn't mean they're experiencing a life-altering moment.
Does eating a hamburger entail making a football-shaped patty? That's a total nightmare, regardless of how natural the bread ingredients are.
This bread is different, that's for sure.Source--cbssports


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